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What is the point of buying a newspaper in our modern world? 

Model Answer - IELTS Writing Task 2

Nowadays the Internet is easily accessible and indispensable part of our lives. Its storage is so enormous that it exceeds all newspaper contents in the world altogether. So, considering the fact that we have this unlimited source of information, what is the point of buying a newspaper in our modern world?

On the one hand, the touch of a real printed paper for some people has a sentimental value. Also, they don't search for some specific information, but rather prefer to be amused by whatever the publisher had decided. Others have even formed a habit of buying a newspaper every day because they find this way of learning what's going around the world the most pleasant one. Moreover, there are still people who don't have access to Internet or don't know how to use a web browser, so newspaper companies won't bankrupt yet.

On the other hand, the Internet offers a far wider variety of options. Firstly, you can quickly find information on any subject that is currently of interest to you. You can save yourself the trouble of going through all the newspaper articles that you find useless. Secondly, you can use the Internet in almost every part of the planet even if you are on the road.

In conclusion, I believe that newspapers will always have their impact on society but there are today fewer people who read them than there were in the past. The Internet is the most effective source of information for our generation.

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