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What are the problems if a big city?

Sample Essay answer. Suitable for TOEFL or IELTS exam papers.

The big city, the former dream for many people, now seems not so enchanting. A big part of the humanity realizes that life there is not so pleasant and healthy.

In the first place, I think that city dwellers are doomed to stress and depression, caused by noise, traffic and pollution. People who live in a big city are tired of getting stuck in traffic congestions, of hearing piercing sound s of alarm systems on cars, the buzz of car – engines, the creaking of cranes and other machines on building sites, the shouting of vexed people in the streets. All these types of noises are, in fact, irritating factors. Some scientific surveys suggest that the human nervous system reacts to such irritants in the same way as it does to mortal perils. Considering this fact, one can imagine how dangerous noise is to his health. Therefore, it is not surprising that such type of stress and depression causes so many serious ailments to citizens. 

Another important problem of a metropolitan (or to put it more accurately, of its inhabitants) is the relationships among people. In my opinion, they fall on the habit of sticking to etiquette and formalities whenever they communicate with each other. I think that such a way of communication causes alienation among people and makes them unhappy.

From my point of view, not many big cities in our country are beautiful. What damages the picture can be a big industrial plant or narrow streets for pedestrians, or not so well - arranged centre. I think that even the smallest reminders of Nature, which can be found in urban areas, look artificial, since they are separated from their natural environment. Such examples are pets, kept in flats, flowers in flower – shops, parks, surrounded by thousands of signs and busy roads. 

To sum up, I can say that a large city has got a lot of problems and one should think twice before choosing to live in it.

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