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Which methods for reducing traffic congestion should local councils use?

New CAE Format Essay 2015 

  • public transport
  • road building
  • charges for road use

Write an essay discussing two of the methods. You should explain which method is more important for local councils

Too much traffic is a major headache for citizens. Local councils should take precautions and try their best to reduce traffic congestions.
The first option to consider is to encourage people to use public transport instead of their cars. There must be TV programmes and signs all over the city, explaining how important it is to reduce traffic not only for congestions but also for pollution.
On the other hand, people choose to travel in their cars around the city because there is a lack of shortage of buses and, also, there are horrible delays during the rush hours.
A second alternative would be to charge people for using the roads. This would be the better option (!!! teacher's notes - keep it for the end). For instance, if people are made to pay a fee when entering the city centre, eventually they will decide to leave their car in the city centre area (!!! teacher's notes – not clear) and walk to their destination. We are not talking about solid fees, of course, the city council will make it affordable for the citizens. We have to rely on people that, unless there is a very urgent situation, they won't use their own cars (awkward).
In my view, a charge for road use would be the most effective starting point. In the future, with the collected money local councils could improve the public transport so that citizens would be pleased happy to use it.

!!! Teacher's notes 
- The language is too simple and not clean at places.  

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