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If you could have any job anywhere in the world what would you choose and why?

Model Essay for TOEFL or CAE Exams

Different people choose their jobs for different reasons. Some care about self- fulfilment while others are driven only by the pursuit of money and material benefits. In my view, I’ll need money to lead a normal and comfortable life but more important will be to find pleasure and satisfaction in my job. 

I want to be a journalist. Because my passions are music and television, the best place for me will be M.T.V. I want to have my own TV show where I will talk to ordinary people, interview stars, show new videos, and even organize games. I will be the presenter of this show and the director. 

It will be a job which will give me the opportunity to apply and develop valuable skills. I’ll be able to communicate with lots of new and interesting people as well as get acquainted with the music business. I get so excited when I imagine my meetings with stars I have always admired! 

On the other hand, I’ll travel a lot. Writing about festivals, concerts and interviews will allow me to visit various countries and discover other cultures. 

I want to work exactly for the European M.T.V. which is located in London. I adore that city and I’ll be able to be relatively close to my home country. My family and friends will be able to see my face on the T.V. screen so they won’t miss me. 

Actually, this job will make me very famous all over Europe. I consider this a great advantage not only because vainglory nut also because fame will help me find easier another job when I am too old to work for M.T.V. or just need a change. 

And, of course, it is a well- paid job. I will need enough money to hire a nice place to live, buy a car and create my new image – an image which will represent my new status of a T.V. star. 

I wish this offer for a job were real. But I won’t just sit and pray for such an opportunity. I intend to work hard to achieve it. I don’t want to lose a beautiful dream like this. If you were me, wouldn’t you do the same?

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