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What do you think of the idea, expressed in some countries, that women should be paid a wage for the work they do in the home?

Some people say that it is impossible for women to be an effective women and to be a good mother in home at the same time. They also suggest that the government should give the salary to mothers who stay at home to take care of their children.

It is said that the woman is the maker of the home and it is her vocation to do all the housework and look after her husband and children. But this is often a subject of religion (not clear) and in different cultures there are different opinions about it.

On the one hand, the woman was created from the man's rib, so it turns out that women aren't equal with men. For the same reason, in the past most of the women remained at home to take care of it, while men had jobs and the chance to make a career. Furthermore, it was believed that as the man earned the money, he could make all the decisions at home and this was not strange at all.

Last but not least, a lot of religions nowadays still reject the idea of equality and preach that the woman is husband's property.

On the other hand, women are people just like men and it is not fair that at present, when men and women are considered equal, women still do most of the housework at home. Moreover, men should also be responsible not only for the housework, but for the children in the family.

To my mind, as women are equal with men, they don't have to do additional work, which men don't do. They live together and must share the housework and if the man doesn't agree, the woman should be paid a wage for what she does at home.

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