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If you could have any job anywhere in the world what would you choose and why version 2

Choosing a job is a difficult and challenging task, which almost everyone has to face. In their decisions some people are guided by their desire to serve God, others want to help humanity or simply to support their families. 

My personal ambition is to become an interpreter in a foreign company in my home country. To make my choice, I have taken into consideration a number of factors.

First of all, I’d like to be an interpreter because I love learning and practising languages. They put me in touch with different cultures and unfamiliar traditions. Moreover, I would be able to apply the knowledge accumulated during my school years. It would also give me a chance to meet with many people from different countries and travel around the world.

Secondly, I’d choose a foreign firm to work for, because it would ensure me a higher standard of living. For example, it would give me a respectable social status and a big enough salary. I would also have more opportunities for a promotion and a future career. 

Last but not least, I would like to work in my home country. I want to be close to my family and support them in times of need. I would also love to see my sister growing up and be her reliable and trusty friend. Furthermore, I feel that I would be better appreciated by my colleagues and would work in a familiar, comfortable environment. In addition, being born and having spent my happiest years in this country, I would like to work for its benefit. 

From childhood, I have always loved dreaming about my future life as an adult. But would this fantasy be just another castle in the air? We’ll wait and see.

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